Sunday, November 18, 2007

Group Project

I am glad the group project is done. I am a bit overwhelmed by the group that posted just before I posted our groups. They used their WIKI to create an amazing project. I am very impressed and feel that they must have some very technology savvy people in that group!
Way to Go! I was impressed! I am looking forward to the week off but I think I am going to try to get the next assignment done so that I can try to finish up this class while I have some time off school.

The holiday season is quickly approaching. This will be a very busy time for me as I am getting a new classroom (YEA)! However, I am not looking forward to packing and moving.

1 comment:

Lisa Mandina said...

New classrooms are exciting, but the packing and moving is not fun. Our principal asked us to put what was most important on a list at the end of the year, staying with same team, teaching same subject/grade level, I put staying in my room. As a science teacher I always hate having to pack all the things I have, but as soon as I start throwing away, I need those things. I found that out last spring when I tried it.