Friday, August 31, 2007

Wow I created it!

I never thought i would be able to create one. It was so easy. I am so glad i have it going. I look forward to having a spot to vent and share ideas.

I am a bit overwhelmed being a first year teacher, single mom of three and taking two online classes. Anyone else feeling overwhelmed?



Lindsey said...

Yes!! After reading the first chapters assigned I am more confused now as to what I am really doing here and whether this is the right path for me. And with all the teaching responsibilities I have right now, I am wondering if I can keep my sanity.

Good luck, Dawn. If you ever need to vent, I am here.


Brandy said...

I am so glad I happen to check the Wiki tonight. The more I read, the worse I feel about this path. I have never felt like everything is over my head like all of this stuff. I called my mom sobbing, and she took pity on me by babysitting, but all of my papers are still ungraded. The Instructional Design assignment looms inclomplete. At least part of it is started, and I Blackboarded a draft to Dr. J. We'll see. Please feel free to vent with me too.


Starlen said...

I tend to wear my feelings on my sleeve and share in my posts how overwhelmed I am. I get even more overwhelmed when I read what everyone else has to say and they grasp the material! I couldn't imagine being a first year teacher, single mom, and taking classes. You rock! If you've made it this far, I'm sure you will get there - don't give up.

Krystle Gremaud said...

Me too!!! I just blog this same thought on my blog page. I'M SO OVERWHELMED!!! I feel like I'm the only "dumb one" in the class but it's great to hear that I'm not the only one feeling this way. I too am questioning if this is the right path for me. Do you think this was Dr. J's point? To make us realize early on if this was what we wanted.


Lisa Mandina said...

I am also feeling way overwhelmed. Working 3 jobs, no kids at home though, but still not sure when I will have time to get all my grading done, because plan time at school usually gets used up for meetings. Glad to hear others are feeling the same, just wish we all were less stressed.