Monday, December 3, 2007


I am writing this today because if I had written it last night it would not have been so nice. I typed my whole literature review and then somehow I deleted it. I was so upset with my computer and myself for procrastinating on the assignment. Needless to say I was up until wee hours of the morning and then back up with little sleep. I am going to be so tired by the end of the day! My poor second graders...

Monday, November 26, 2007

Going crazy moving....

I am trying to get my classroom packed up so that i can move. We are waiting til closer to time so that the kids are not disrupted in their every day routine. I really want this to be as smooth a transition as possible. I also want it to be over. I am struggling with getting enough information for my assignment that is due this week but somehow someway it will get done...

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Group Project

I am glad the group project is done. I am a bit overwhelmed by the group that posted just before I posted our groups. They used their WIKI to create an amazing project. I am very impressed and feel that they must have some very technology savvy people in that group!
Way to Go! I was impressed! I am looking forward to the week off but I think I am going to try to get the next assignment done so that I can try to finish up this class while I have some time off school.

The holiday season is quickly approaching. This will be a very busy time for me as I am getting a new classroom (YEA)! However, I am not looking forward to packing and moving.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Virtual Field Trips

Wow what an experience. I have been teaching my students about Bats this last week since we could not do Halloween activities due to ethnic backgrounds. I discovered this site through a colleague We took a virtual field trip on bats. It was so cool. There was interactive things for the students to do during the trip--they loved it!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I got done with my interview and I think this is a job that I could really see myself doing after I put some years in being a classroom teacher. I am getting a smart board in December and I can not wait! I am so excited to get my computers up and going for my students. Today's children tend to respond very well to technology as they see it in their everyday life! Technology is a way that we can have many resourses at our fingertips quickly.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Helping others with technology

At work we just got new laptops. The women I work with are not so savy when it comes to technology. In fact if they had their choice they would still copy, white out and do anything not to learn a new program in technology. I was paired up with one of my co-workers that really hates learning something new. I was very patient and only reached over and touched her keyboard to move her along about three times. hehe.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


I am so stressed. I don't honestly know what i was thinking taking two master classes at the same time as i taking on my first year of teaching. Wow! well i finally am taking a break by dropping one of the two classes. I hope that this will allow me to consentrate and give 100% to my class college and my second graders.